Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Power of Hypnotic Advertising

So you’re sitting there watching TV when suddenly, a silly little “weight loss” product commercial comes on. The commercial itself contains a catchy theme song with a bunch of pretty dancing models sprinkling some substance on their food. There models are smiling away and singing as if they haven’t a care in the world. The commercial implies that you can slim down just by shaking some of their substance onto your food. And so, if you happen to be in the market of losing a few pounds yourself, they have won your interest and most likely, your business.

So why do some people continue to buy, try and spend money on products that they might not have otherwise gave a second thought to? Well, it’s for the same reason why all those “back to college” commercials seem to highlight the student having fun at family cookouts, riding a motorcycle, camping, fishing, walking in the park or playing baseball with their family and friends.

Television commercials have become a phenomenon that can alter lifestyles by setting the norms for social expectations. Values are often subconsciously based on what is seen on television because marketing is everywhere. The consumer mind frame is greatly weighted by what advertisements encourage and coerce people to buy, do and even to believe. With continuous exposure to television advertisements, more consumers are convinced that certain purchases and products are what will make them more popular, more socially acceptable, more likable and a much better person. .

So how does this work?

Critical thinking and analyzing skills occur on the left side of your brain. Emotion and sedative-like chemicals known as "endorphins" are released from the right side of your brain. When people watch television, they generally transform into a trance-like mode that occurs on the right side of the brain. The left side of the brain is not as busy dissecting information when the right side is enjoying the benefits of being entertained. So although everyone can benefit from some left-side downtime and right-side endorphin release, the catch is that while this occurs, your brain interprets and accepts much of what it sees on television, including commercials, as real. Subconsciously, you believe that your life will improve in some way by purchasing that product, going to that place or doing that thing that the television told you about.

And there you have it. If commercials were not effective, companies would not spend millions of dollars making them. Companies and businesses spend enormous amounts of money implementing hypnotic suggestions into TV commercials to increase their sales.

If these hypnotic suggestions can convince masses of people to buy products and services from a 30 second TV commercial, just image what else it can help you do on a personal level.

Positive Change Hypnosis RI