Sunday, May 27, 2012

Why Hypnosis May Not Have Helped You

When a person visits a hypnotist to kick a habit or improve an element of their life, many times they are fixated on the results of the issue or problem rather than the actual cause. 

Now, as a professional hypnotherapist we have way of cutting through and getting to the actual root cause of a clients issue.  However, some less skilled or novice hypnotists may be left wondering why their efforts just don’t seem to be working, despite doing all the “right” things.  In addition, this creates frustration on the client’s part because they feel like hypnosis is just ineffective for them, when this might not be the case at all.     

In most cases, the main cause is the lack of addressing what is called “Secondary Gain”. 

Most problem behaviors such as drinking too much alcohol, smoking cigarettes or developing an anger problem had a reason for beginning.  However, that reason might be different from what is actually sustaining the problem today.

For example, a smoker may have started out with smoking in order to fit in with the crowd or to be accepted by their friends or a particular group of peers.  This would be considered their Primary Gain.  However, the Secondary Gain has now become that having a cigarette makes them feel more relaxed, allows them to take a break from life's stressors and more. 

Now, sometimes the Primary Gain can be difficult to identify, or may not actually exist, but even so, a Secondary Gain can still exist.  And example of this is that an individual may accidentally injure himself or herself at work.  He or she receives medical treatment for the injury and may also qualify for workman’s compensation or other forms of financial aid. Although these benefits were not the cause of the injury, after this person recovers he or she may begin to develop s list of Secondary Gains, which gives them a few good reason(s) for holding onto the pain.

1. Not having to return to a job that he or she did not care for.

2. Possibility of changing jobs or pursuing other employment opportunities.

3. Receiving disability payments or compensation. .

4. Receiving social support from family and friends.

5. Receiving special perks such as parking permits and such.

Although the reasons above are not the actual cause of the pain, the mind now has reason(s) to “hold onto” the pain because getting over it and making a full recovery means something will be lost or given up.  

Therefore, the easiest way of determining if a Secondary Gain is present is to ask, "what will he or she (the client) lose if they get well or change their behavior?" If they will lose something, then that thing is generating the Secondary Gain, which should be addressed in special type of therapy, as this will be the most effective course of therapy.

Now, we posted this information not only to help other hypnotherapists, but also to show clients that there is a little more to hypnosis that than thumbing through an ebook, then setting up a website to begin helping customers.  Approximately 40% of our clients have tried hypnosis elsewhere in the past, without success.  And although many people and infatuated with hypnosis and want to learn how to perform it, practicing hypnosis sessions to show your friends and family what you have learned is one thing.  But helping clients with “real life issues” is another. 

So in closing, if you are a paying customer, it is important to make sure that your hypnotist is a trained and well versed in this field.  The best way to do this is to see what type of questions they are asking you in their screening or intake process and before your session.  If the hypnotist seems more interested in collecting your payment and getting right into the session with very little talk, you might want to reconsider.   

Positive Change Hypnosis