Saturday, March 2, 2013

Reasons NOT To “Cure” Your ADHD.

The first thing that most people think about when they hear those dreaded letters  - “ADD” or “ADHD” is medication. But is that really the best course of action?

Consider this – Although most people think of ADHD as a negitive thing, the reality is that it has many positive sides that you may not want to give up or medicate away so quickly.

While hyperactivity can feel pretty problematic in certain downtime or quiet time situations, all of that extra energy may be a real asset in other situations. For example, you can channel it to accomplish daily tasks quickly or use it to excel in a career that requires fast talking or movement, such as working as a physical therapist, a real estate agent, a corporate trainer.

Can't focus? That's okay. A constantly distracted mind that jumps from one idea to the next is also a mind that is rapidly giving birth to new ideas and designing creative solutions to life's problems. When all of your brain's pistons are firing away, simply let your imagination flow. And if you've ever thought about getting involved in fields like architecture, engineering, writing, marketing, or the visual or performing arts, those kinds of creative juices can be a tremendous asset.

Many people with ADHD feel things very deeply. So deeply in fact, that it's sometimes overwhelming.  They can't help but feel bad both physically and emotionally. So much so, they might overreact to people or feel irritated by little things, like bright lights, strong odors, a hand on the back, or just regular social interaction. The good news is that being a sensitive person can make you a good friend, a caring partner, and a sympathetic human being. And sensitive people bring lots of great qualities to their relationships, like compassion, caring, introspection, and conscientiousness.

Sure, being distracted has its downside. But distraction can also open the door to seeing more. Compared to people without ADHD, adults with ADHD may take in more details in their environment, grasp more in certain situations, and perceive more about the people they encounter. Having a broader view or the ability to capture lots of clues can help people with ADHD hone their intuitive skill. And that's a very helpful skill to have in life.

Can you think of a person or two who can't tolerate a change in plans? People with ADHD don't necessarily fall into that camp. A restless, constantly moving mind and body may give people with ADHD the ability to more easily "go with the flow" rather than get stuck in their ways. What's more, an easily distracted mind may allow people with ADHD to see all the possibilities when it comes to solving problems or adapting to life's constant changes.

Impulsivity, a common characteristic of ADHD, has its upside and its downside. On the downside, impulsive actions can lead to risky behaviors. But if you learn how to harness impulsivity, it could provide you with the drive to really go after the things you want in life - often with great success. Just take time to calculate and measure the risk. Don't act rashly. If you're realistic, that impulsive nature of yours just might lead you to start a successful business, find an innovative solution to a sticky business problem, or overcome that fear of striking up a conversation with your crush.

So as you can see, these are actually some wonderful traits that many people with ADHD share. And this is exactly why so many people with ADHD turn to hypnosis. Unlike medications or drugs, hypnosis for ADHD doesn’t attempt to cure or suppress it. Instead it helps you to manage it so that less desirable qualities don’t hold you back or stand in your way. Simply put, you keep all the good parts, and you just learn to focus and concentrate when you want to or when you need to.   Learn More About ADHD

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